
The Holy Spirit is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Holy Spirit, once forgotten, has been “rediscovered” in the twentieth century—or has he? Sinclair Ferguson believes we should rephrase this common assertion: “While his work has been recognized, the Spirit himself remains to many Christians an anonymous, faceless aspect of the divine being.” In order to redress this balance, Ferguson seeks to recover the who of the Spirit fully as much as the...

her by telling the truth. An eye-witness and/or a character-witness was what was required; someone whose relationship to the accused enabled him to speak with authority; an intimate friend rather than a person professionally trained in the law. Against this background, the Spirit is ideally suited to be the chief witness for Christ because he was the intimate companion of Jesus throughout his ministry. As the great Cappadocian Father, Basil of Caesarea (c. 330–379), put it, the Holy Spirit was Christ’s
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